@ farewell party

24/12/2008 at 12.30pm ibu Kaisah and the whole office will be heading off to One Utama... ada farewell party for one of our staffs... Kak Nathrah will resign effective on 1st January 2009... actually Kak Nat sambung Phd kat UM... and dapat scholarship from JPA... requirementsnya adalah mereka mengkehendaki semua penerima biasiswa untuk belajar sepenuh masa tanpa ada apa-apa komitmen pekerjaan... that's why la Kak Nat berenti... well, after all consultations and comments have been taken into consideration... itulah the best keputusan yang boleh dilakukan coz if ever JPA finds out that Kak Nat masih merupakan seorang employee to any body... the scholarship akan ditarik balik...

huhuhuhuhuhu.... sedey tuh Kak Nat enggak ada di opis... tak dapek lagik kita konvoi pi mamam kat Kopi Shoppe... takpe, takpe... kitorang ade banyak lagik projek yang tengah dibincangkan... confirm nanti kitorang kring kring Kak Nat k... ala, friendster, facebook, myspace, hi5, tagged... ngan whatever lagilah kan kita ada... confirm still keep in touch punya...

=> F.R.A.N.C.E (friendship remains and never can end)

oh ye... until Friday baru akan ada updates baru coz besok dah cuti Krismas... howdee...
Tini Alif

20 years of experience within the technical, manufacturing and services environment. Assists brands and companies to achieve their targeted and potential customer through writing service such as article writing, copywriting, ghostwriting, manuscript writing, technical writing, content marketing and translation amongst others. Interested to collaborate? Email: hartini.hussain.work@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +601154054677

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