As promised, here is an overview of the ISO 9001:2015 standards requirement... first and foremost, we have to clear our mind and understand clearly on the exact meaning of having a quality management system... when we are talking about quality management system, yes, it does not mean that we are mandatorily in need of being certified, however, the industry these days need a company to be certified in order for others to believe, to feel secured to be sure that the company that they engaged with is reliable, competent and can ensure on the success within the scope that had been awarded... haaaa... gitu... senang cerita, sebagai suatu wadah untuk mengatakan bahawa sesuatu syarikat tu berwibawalah gitu juga telah diperiksa dan di perakui mempunyai sistem kerja...

Okay, kenapa sistem kerja tu penting?... why is the working system important?... basically, it is important to ensure that we know on the ultimate goal of what we are doing and guided through a process flow... ye lah kan, kalau takde sistem kerja, macam mana la kita ni nak tau yang mana dulu yang mana kemudian... macam mana la kita ni nak tau yang mana betul yang mana tak betul... kannnn... thus, sape ISO ni?...
Who is ISO?...
For the benefit of all, ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies... ISO brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges through the active participation of its members... ISO is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards which were founded in 1947, and since then have published 21582 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business... so, since 1947 ye gaissss... it has been that long tau...
What are the benefits of implementing ISO 9001?...
ISO 9001 quality management system:
1. Shows that you provide products and services of consistent quality.
2. Shows that you provide products and services that meet the
customer’s requirements which comply with the law and legislation, and further meet
the organisation’s own requirements;
3. Can help you streamline your business processes and continuously improve them.
4. Helps you increase customer satisfaction.
5. Shows a positive image of your organization whereby you could show that you comply with
internationally recognized quality standards. This is often a
requirement for customers and suppliers who wanted to have business with you.
What are the main differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015?
The following table shows the relationship of the ISO 9001:2008 clauses to those in the new ISO 9001:2015...
What does the ISO 9001:2015 standard specify?...
The most recent ISO 9001:2015 standard is constructed around seven quality management principles namely:
Customer focus;The most recent ISO 9001:2015 standard is constructed around seven quality management principles namely:
Engagement of people;
Process approach;
Evidence-based decision making;
Relationship management.
The first three clauses in ISO 9001:2015 shows similarity as those
within the ISO 9001:2008 version... however, if you could actually interpret the standard clearly, the last
seven clauses are now arranged according to the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do,
Check, Act)... untuk team yang dah biasa dengan OpEx (Operational Excellence) dan CoMex (Commercial Excellence) memang akan sentiasa berkecimpung dengan cycle ni...
Akak tak berapa faham sangat pasal ISO ni tapi akak tau setiap organisasi sememangnya bertungkus lumus nak dapatkan ISO ni...orang- orang business tau la pasal ni kan...
ReplyDeleteISO ni memang bagus tapi untuk dapatkan sijil ISO tu macam2 prosedur company kena buat dan follow, tu yg leceh sikit.. haha.. nak maintain pun boleh tahan mencabar juga. tp bagusnya company ada ISO ni semua teratur.. takde buat keje ikut suka je kan..
ReplyDeleteWOW looks professional! Don't really know about ISO , but thanks for sharing such an informative post.
ReplyDeletehuhu, sejak dah jadi suri rumah ni, bab iso ni memang malas nak hadam, cukup lah time kerja kena hadap semua ni, all the process , fuh.. memenatkan tapi ianya penting kan untuk jaga standard
ReplyDeleteISO untuk organisasi memang bagus dan baik... dapat meningkatkan kualiti kerja untuk sesuatu Jabatan kerajaan dan Swasta. Cuma kena patuhi prosedur-prosedur yg telah ditetapkan
ReplyDeleteIgt senang ke nak daptkan status ISO nie..bukan calang2 company boleh dapat..melainkan ckup kriteria yg diperlukan baru boleh dapt..nak2 kilang. .mcm2 prosedur nk kna ikut..
ReplyDeleteRawlins suka dengan menjalankan kerja secara teratur dan berdisiplin. Dan sewajarnya setiap lokasi (tak kisah pejabat ke rumah ke) mesti ada aturan kerja yang tersendiri bagi memastikan kelancarannya. Yang penting, kena jadikan amalan agar dapat memudahkan semua.
ReplyDeleteMasa kerja kilang dulu, paling tension bila nak audit ISO. Pening kepala nak settle semua document make sure semua ok. Tp once settle audit lega dia bukan main lagi.
ReplyDeleteInfo yang bermanfaat ni. Bukan senang untuk dapatkan ISO, macam-macam kena buat dan patuhi sesuatu perkara. Tapi bila dah dapat, sesuatu syarikat tu lebih mendapat perhatian.
ReplyDeleteAlamak. Minggu depan ni nak audit. Tengah kelam kabut tgh nk prepare doc ni. Haha
ReplyDeleteSatu story yang bagus untuk diketahui mereka yang berniaga... apatah lagi bab ISO. Tak pernah nak ambi tahu huhu...
ReplyDeleteJarang ambil tau pasl ISO ni..tapi bila bac ni memng patutla nak ambil tau..tq sharing and open my eyes..Memng kena tersusun ye
ReplyDeletecompany saya yang lama memang apply ISO ni. memang sangat membantu dari sudut mengurus organisasi
ReplyDeletesaya sebenarnya agak kurang faham tentang iso dan sebagainya. terima kasih kerana sedikit sebanyak telah menjelaskan lagi fungsi dan juga apa itu iso ini. terima kasih atas perkongsian ya :)
ReplyDeleteNice info sharing
ReplyDeleteSatu ilmu baru pasal ISO. Yes satu company diukur dengan management kan. Penting ISO untuk satu-satu company.
ReplyDeleteOh wow. I need to read more to understand more about ISO then!
ReplyDeleteInteresting topic, I never been really trying to understand whats ISO all about. Thanks for the sharing!
ReplyDeletei have heard about ISO before but never do research in deep about it. after reading this, i get a better picture about what ISO is about. thanks for sharing