What a memorable memory... well, nih masa raya Aji last year, kat umah mak mertua di Rawang... as my explanation during my previous entries, ayah Kaisah was so busy with the laundry's delivery so on and so forth... so kami balik umah nenek Kaisah lebih awal...
Hmppp... Kaisah demam ni... dah 2 nights... siang okay, malam jek demam... so, it was quite hard for me to get a wink sebab Kaisah was very the manja... kesian sungguh... dengan selsemanya... well, before this ada gak sedut hingus tu... but recently hubby ada beli satu ubat kahak for baby kat pharmacy and the result was surprisingly okay... within 2 days, most of the kahak aka hingus keluar in a form of bersin... kuning kalernye...
Well, as for me, I'm concerned on hoping that it didn't lead to any diseases ke whatever ke yang merisaukan... because my best fwens daughter n her niece ada masuk hospital due to demam + batuk for more than 5 days... then suspected with pneumonia... so, for mommies out there, kalau your baby or toddler ada symptoms nih, please do not hesitate to bring them for a medical check up ya...
=> just a friendly advise from a mommy to other moms'