Looking back through the entire previous posts, I felt embarrassed with myself... hmppp, yes, all of a few entries seemed not lively to me... well, at least for me... I am not actually satisfied with my own postings... okay, let me start with an introduction of myself... I am a full-time employee with a passion in safety, health, quality assurance, auditing, online business, food & beverages, review, books, event, travel so on and so forth... could I just mention that I am interested in everything?... hahahaha... I was a hardcore blogger since 2008 until 2013 with five other blog sites namely:
1) www.weolls.blogspot.com
2) www.ourcatering.blogspot.com
3) www.ourconstruction.blogspot.com
4) www.brotherhoodnsisterhood.blogspot.com
5) www.wayoflife.blogspot.com
With traffics of at least from around the world and new visitors including followers daily, I felt good... I feel that we are within the same page at that moment... then, I decided to delete all of the blogs... but why?... the main reason was only due to actively performing review and promoting through Facebook and Instagram...
Upon complete uploading, I will then share the post through several other social media namely, Twitter, Google+, Line, WeChat and blast through my dropship groups at Telegram and Whatsapp...
Suddenly, on 22/03/2017, I came across my old blogs and felt in love again!!! (was surprised actually on how in the world that those blogs are still alive?... I believed I still remembered the day that I deleted all of the five blogs... this is a sign... maybe yes, maybe no)... Looking into the pictures being blogged within great blogging accent... wow, I need to continue my writing passion... this is it... this must be done... but, I am paranoid to incorporate the kiddoes pictures... well, it is better to be safe than never... therefore, I decided to continue blogging through this blog and yes, we will make it a phenomenon again!!! I will be blogging in dual languages, depends on the post... and all of you, please feel free to comment ya...
By the way, all of the five blogs are unable to be located as at today... was I just imagining or am I missing blogging too much?... I will take the second answer definitely... ;)