Assalamualaikum dan hai hai hai everything... siapa yang tak nak bibir yang sihat dan menawan kan?... nampak halus-mulus tanpa kelihatan bersolek tebal... untuk pengetahuan korang, Haus Cosmetics telah mengeluarkan Set Srikandi yang didatangkan khas dalam 4 edisi kesemuanya iaitu Balqis, Cindai, Nirmala dan Sakti... dalam setiap set ada 3 produk iaitu Lipstick Matte, Lipmatte dan juga High Treatment Lipgloss... produk ni dah dilancarkan baru-baru ni tau korang...

Sambutannya humang aihhhh, alhamdulillah... sampai sold out gaissss... yang Balqis dan Sakti dah habis semua diborong oleh peminat-peminat produk Haus Cosmetics... uishhhh, makcik pun sampai tak menang tanganlah tengok sekejap je dah licin lepas shout out untuk premier haritu... ramai juga pelanggan yang puas hati dengan Set Srikandi ni... pastinya ada satu edisi yang sesuai untuk korang...

UPDATE 03/02/2022

Set Balqis dah sampai ya gaissss!

Oh ya, sekarang ni stok yang available adalah set Nirmala, Set Balqis dan set Cindai sahaja tau...

What's Inside The Nirmala Set?

1. Matte Velvet Lipstick (Peony)

Semi-matte finishing (not fully matte, still transfer), Super lightweight, Highly pigmented, Moisturising, Last long to 8hrs, 4 natural code colors to suit Asian skin tone.

2. High Treatment Lip Gloss (Crystal)

Saccharomyces / Lithospermum Erythrorhizon Root Oil Ferment Filtrate is a premium ingredient with clinical test proven to repair lips texture. Intentionally to use as lip sleeping mask for intense treat, lip primer as the base, lip balm to supply moistures, dan lip gloss on topcoat as the final volumizing touch.

3. Matte Creamy Lips (Tini)

- Creamy matte finishing (creamy on the swipe, matte after seconds later)
- Super lightweight
- Highly pigmented
– Transferproof 
 Moisturizing ingredients
- Last long to 8 hours
- Exclusive customized casing
– Sleek design to sneak into the bag
- 12 nude to bold colors to suit Asian skin tone.

What's Inside The Cindai Set?

1. Matte Velvet Lipstick (Poppy)

Semi-matte finishing (not fully matte, still transfer), Super lightweight, Highly pigmented, Moisturising, Last long to 8hrs, 4 natural code colors to suit Asian skin tone.

2. High Treatment Lip Gloss (Crystal)

Saccharomyces / Lithospermum Erythrorhizon Root Oil Ferment Filtrate is a premium ingredient with clinical test proven to repair lips texture. Intentionally to use as lip sleeping mask for intense treat, lip primer as the base, lip balm to supply moistures, dan lip gloss on topcoat as the final volumizing touch.

3. Matte Creamy Lips (Yuma)

- Creamy matte finishing (creamy on the swipe, matte after seconds later)
- Super lightweight
- Highly pigmented
– Transferproof 
 Moisturizing ingredients
- Last long to 8 hours
- Exclusive customized casing
– Sleek design to sneak into the bag
- 12 nude to bold colors to suit Asian skin tone.

What's Inside The Balqis Set?

1. Matte Velvet Lipstick

Semi-matte finishing (not fully matte, still transfer), Super lightweight, Highly pigmented, Moisturising, Last long to 8hrs, 4 natural code colors to suit Asian skin tone.

2. High Treatment Lip Gloss

Saccharomyces / Lithospermum Erythrorhizon Root Oil Ferment Filtrate is a premium ingredient with clinical test proven to repair lips texture. Intentionally to use as lip sleeping mask for intense treat, lip primer as the base, lip balm to supply moistures, dan lip gloss on topcoat as the final volumizing touch.

3. Matte Creamy Lips

- Creamy matte finishing (creamy on the swipe, matte after seconds later)
- Super lightweight
- Highly pigmented
– Transferproof 
 Moisturizing ingredients
- Last long to 8 hours
- Exclusive customized casing
– Sleek design to sneak into the bag
- 12 nude to bold colors to suit Asian skin tone.

Jom dapatkannya sekarang gaissss sebelum kehabisan stok...

RM134 sahaja

Postage: Depends on courier provider (tapi tak lah mahal sangat, kalau korang keluar ke shopping complex pun lebih-kurang je, nak bayar parking lagi, minyak kereta, tol, makan dan sebagainya kan kan kan...)

Jom kita sama-sama serlahkan jiwa srikandi kita bersama-sama agitchewwww... till then, see you when I see you ya all my srikandi(s)...

#HausSkin #HausCosmetics  #ConfidenceIsPerfection  #HalalCosmeticsTrendsetter  #ProdukYangPalingDiyakiniHalal


Tini Alif

20 years of experience within the technical, manufacturing and services environment. Assists brands and companies to achieve their targeted and potential customer through writing service such as article writing, copywriting, ghostwriting, manuscript writing, technical writing, content marketing and translation amongst others. Interested to collaborate? Email: or WhatsApp at +601154054677


  1. first time dengar produk Haus, unik nama dia. cantik juga packagin dan color lipstick dia :) ♕Tiara Sapphire♕

    1. Kan Tiara Sapphire... cantik kan packaging dia... saya sendiri pun terpikat juga...

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