| BE CLASSY IN OUR OWN WAY | Assalamualaikum and hi hi hi everything.
The word Hijab is an Arabic word that means to cover up or to conceal. In Islam, the hijab refers to the dress code required for Muslim girls and women. Hijab is not only a protection for Muslim women and girls, it also represents noble speech, modest and dignified manners.
According to Mufti Menk, in this age of nudity, the more you reveal, the cheaper you are regarded, even if the world makes you feel you are liberated. Modest dress plays a key role in purification of the soul and deep inner contentment.
The sun doesn't lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way your beauty doesn't fade when being covered by Hijab.
Remember, no matter what stage you are on, It all counts for Allah! At least you are trying!
Hijab is a personal choice. It is a choice to submit to Allah rather than the fashion of society. To be beautiful to God rather than people. (Yasmin Mogahed)
Team possible, yes, it is HOT, it is HARD, and that what's made you different. Hijab is beautiful, so make it look beautiful, wear it with love, wear it with pride and most of all wear it right. Our hijab is our Strength and our obedience to Allah. Aja aja fighting.
Muah ciked.
Hartini The Ghostwriter
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compulsory for all Muslim ladies...tapi ada je yang pakai sebab fesyen. Tu yang nampak kat kepala ada tudung, tapi tetiba skirt sampai kat tara betis..telinga terjulur keluar. Semoga Allah titipkan iman & hidayah buat mereka.