As parents, we treasure the creative masterpieces our children produce. However, the sheer volume of artwork can quickly become overwhelming, leading to clutter. Instead of discarding these precious creations, consider these five creative ways to preserve and repurpose your kids' art. These methods not only help reduce clutter but also allow you to keep these memories alive in unique and meaningful ways.


1. Create a Rotating Gallery Wall

Designate a Gallery Space

Choose a specific wall or area in your home to serve as an art gallery. This could be a hallway, a section of your child's bedroom, the living room, or even a dedicated space in your home office. The key is to find a spot that is both visible and accessible, making it easy to appreciate and update the display.

For example, you could transform a long hallway into an art corridor by hanging a series of frames at your child's eye level, making them feel like a true artist with their own exhibition space.

Use Creative Display Methods

To create a professional and aesthetically pleasing display, consider using frames, clipboards, or a wire with clothespins. Frames can give a polished look, while clipboards and wires with clothespins allow for easy swapping of art. Magnetic boards or corkboards can also be great for displaying multiple pieces at once.

For instance, you can purchase inexpensive frames from a craft store and paint them in vibrant colors to match your child's art style. Use double-sided tape to attach the frames to a wall, making it easy to change the artwork without damaging the walls.

Rotate the Art Regularly

By regularly rotating the displayed artwork, you keep the gallery dynamic and engaging. This also gives each piece its moment in the spotlight. Store the replaced pieces in a portfolio or a digital format. This way, you can revisit and reminisce about earlier works while keeping the display current.
To streamline this process, set a schedule to change the artwork every month or every season. You can involve your child in selecting which pieces to display next, making it a fun activity that highlights their artistic growth.

2. Make a Photo Book or Digital Archive

Photograph or Scan the Artwork

To preserve the artwork without keeping all the physical pieces, start by photographing or scanning each piece. High-resolution images ensure that even the smallest details are captured. You can use a smartphone for quick captures or a scanner for a more detailed preservation.

For example, create a simple photo studio at home using natural light and a plain background. Lay the artwork flat and take photos from directly above to ensure clarity and consistency.

Create a Custom Photo Book

Using online services like Shutterfly, Blurb, or Mixbook, you can turn these digital images into a custom photo book. Organize the art chronologically or by theme to tell a visual story of your child's creative journey. These photo books are not only great for personal enjoyment but also make beautiful gifts for grandparents and other family members.

For example, you can create a "Year in Art" book that showcases your child's best work from each year, providing a chronological record of their artistic development.

Benefits of a Digital Archive

A digital archive provides easy access to your child's artwork without the physical storage issues. You can store these images in cloud services like Google Photos or Dropbox, making them accessible from anywhere. Additionally, digital archives can be shared with family and friends, allowing them to enjoy the art as well.

Consider creating a private Instagram account or a shared Google Photos album dedicated to your child's art. This way, family and friends can follow along and see new pieces as they are created.

3. Turn Art into Functional Items

Everyday Items with a Personal Touch

Transform your kids' art into everyday items like custom calendars, tote bags, pillows, or mugs. Many online services, such as Zazzle, Redbubble, and Snapfish, allow you to upload images and print them on various products. This way, you can carry a piece of your child's creativity with you wherever you go.

For example, a tote bag featuring your child's colorful drawing of a flower can become your go-to grocery bag, or a mug with their abstract painting can brighten up your morning coffee routine.

Personalized Home Decor

Use the artwork to create unique home decor items. For instance, you can have a favorite drawing printed on canvas to hang in the living room or turn a painting into a decorative pillow for your child's bedroom. These items add a personal and sentimental touch to your home.

For example, consider creating a set of custom coasters with different pieces of your child's art. This not only protects your furniture but also sparks conversation when guests see the unique designs.

Benefits of Functional Art

Functional art allows you to enjoy your child's creativity in practical ways. These items make wonderful, personalized gifts for family members and friends. They also provide a way to keep your child's art alive in your daily life, blending creativity with utility.

For instance, custom calendars featuring a different piece of art for each month make great holiday gifts that family members will use and appreciate throughout the year.

4. Create a Collaborative Mural or Quilt

Collaborative Mural

Turn sections of various pieces into a larger, collaborative artwork. You can collage different drawings and paintings onto a large canvas or directly onto a wall in your home. This not only showcases your child's art but also transforms it into a cohesive, large-scale masterpiece.

For example, designate a wall in your child's playroom for a mural. Use mod podge or a similar adhesive to attach different pieces of their art, creating a vibrant and eclectic collage that celebrates their creativity.

Art Quilt

Another creative project is to turn the artwork into fabric squares and sew them together to make a quilt. Services like Spoonflower allow you to print custom fabric from your child's art. This can be a fun family project where everyone contributes, resulting in a cozy, personalized keepsake that can be cherished for years.

For example, select several of your child's drawings and have them printed on fabric squares. Spend a weekend together sewing the squares into a quilt, teaching your child basic sewing skills in the process.

Benefits of Collaborative Projects

Collaborative projects like murals and quilts not only preserve the art but also create lasting family memories. These projects teach children about teamwork and the value of their individual contributions to a larger project. The final product serves as a unique and meaningful piece of home decor.

For instance, a quilt made from your child's art can become a family heirloom, passed down through generations, each piece telling a story from their early years.

5. Gift and Share

Personalized Gift Wrap and Cards

Use your child's artwork to create personalized gift wrap, greeting cards, or gift tags. This repurposes the art and adds a unique, heartfelt touch to your gifts. You can scan the artwork and print it on wrapping paper or card stock, making each gift extra special.

For example, you can turn a simple drawing of a birthday cake into custom birthday cards that are far more meaningful than store-bought ones.

Share with Loved Ones

Sharing your child's art with family and friends can brighten their day and allows others to appreciate your child's creativity. Consider sending pieces of artwork to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends. You can also create custom photo books or framed pieces as gifts for special occasions.

For instance, create a "Best of the Year" art collection and send framed prints to family members during the holidays, allowing them to enjoy your child's artistic achievements.

Benefits of Sharing

Sharing your child's art spreads joy and keeps the artwork in circulation. It also helps children feel proud and valued when their work is appreciated by others. This practice reinforces the importance of creativity and personal expression.

For example, consider organizing a small art show at home or via video call, where your child can present their artwork to family and friends, explaining each piece and receiving feedback and encouragement.

Let's Repurpose Now!

Repurposing your kids' art not only helps reduce clutter but also allows you to enjoy and share their creativity in meaningful ways. Whether it's through a rotating gallery wall, a photo book, functional items, a collaborative mural, or personalized gifts, these ideas ensure that your child's art remains a cherished part of your home and life. Embrace these creative solutions to preserve those precious masterpieces and keep the memories alive for years to come.



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