Being a mom is an incredibly rewarding yet challenging role. From managing household chores to caring for your children, the daily responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming. If you’ve been feeling constantly drained and exhausted, you might be experiencing mom burnout.

Now, let's explore what mom burnout is, how to recognize the signs, and, most importantly, how you can recover and regain your energy.


Mom burnout is more than just feeling tired. It’s a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that comes from prolonged stress and trying to do too much for too long. When you’re experiencing burnout, even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming, and the joy you once found in your daily routine starts to fade.

Burnout doesn’t hit you all at once; it builds up over time. You might not even notice it creeping in because you’re so busy keeping up with your never-ending to-do list. But if left unchecked, burnout can seriously impact your health and your ability to enjoy life.

The Common Signs of Mom Burnout

Knowing the signs of burnout is the first step in tackling it. Here’s what to look out for:

Physical Exhaustion

Feeling tired all the time is the most obvious sign. This isn’t just the usual tiredness from a long day. It’s the kind of exhaustion that doesn’t go away even after a good night’s sleep. You might also notice that you’re getting sick more often or have frequent headaches. Your body is basically waving a red flag, telling you it needs some serious TLC.

Example: You used to wake up refreshed after 8 hours of sleep, but now you feel exhausted no matter how much you sleep. You catch colds more frequently and often have tension headaches.

Emotional Drain

Are you feeling more emotional than usual? Maybe you find yourself snapping at your kids or partner over small things, or you’re tearing up at commercials. When you’re emotionally drained, everything feels like it’s just too much to handle. You might also feel disconnected from your family or like you’re just going through the motions without really being present.

Example: You used to enjoy family movie nights, but now you feel irritated and snap at everyone over the smallest things. You feel a sense of detachment, like you're just going through the motions.

Mental Fatigue

When your mind feels like it’s in a fog, and you can’t concentrate or remember things as well as you used to, that’s mental fatigue. You might feel like you’re constantly behind, no matter how hard you try to catch up. This can make everyday tasks seem much harder than they should be.

Example: You forget simple things like where you put your keys or what time you need to pick up the kids. Tasks that used to be easy, like planning meals, now feel overwhelming.

Loss of Enjoyment

Remember when you used to look forward to certain activities, whether it was a hobby or even just spending time with your kids? If those things no longer bring you joy or you’re dreading them instead, that’s a clear sign of burnout. It’s like the spark has gone out, and everything just feels like a chore.

Example: You used to love baking with your kids on the weekends, but now you dread the thought of it. Activities that once brought you joy now feel like a burden.

How to Recover from Mom Burnout

The good news is that you can recover from mom burnout. It takes some effort, but with the right strategies, you can start feeling better and get back to being the awesome mom you are. Here’s how:

Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. As moms, we often put everyone else’s needs before our own, but if you’re running on empty, you won’t be able to give your best to anyone. Start by carving out time each day just for you, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or going for a walk, do something that makes you feel good.

Simple Self-Care Ideas

1) Exercise: Even a short workout can boost your energy and mood. Try a 20-minute home workout video or a brisk walk around the block.
2) Listen to Music: Put on your favorite tunes and have a mini dance party in your living room. Music can lift your spirits and get you moving.
3) Hobbies: Revisit a hobby you love or try something new, like knitting, painting, or gardening.
4) Rest: Take short naps or ensure you get enough sleep at night. Consider a 20-minute power nap to recharge.
5) Reading: Dive into a good book or magazine, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day.

Seek Support

You don’t have to do everything alone. Ask for help when you need it, whether it’s from your partner, family, or friends. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, let them know. Sometimes just talking about what you’re going through can make a huge difference. Consider joining a local or online support group for moms, where you can share experiences and advice with others who understand exactly what you’re going through.

Building a Support Network

1) Family: Don’t hesitate to lean on close family members for support. Maybe they can help with childcare or household chores.
2) Friends: Surround yourself with friends who understand and support you. Regular meet-ups or even phone calls can be very helpful.
3) Support Groups: Look for local or online groups where you can connect with other moms. Facebook has many groups where moms share tips and offer support.

Set Realistic Expectations

We often put too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect in every aspect of our lives. But the truth is, no one can do it all. It’s okay to lower your expectations and focus on what’s really important. Instead of trying to be a supermom, aim to be a happy mom. That might mean letting go of some tasks or asking others to pitch in more.

Tips for Setting Realistic Expectations:
1) Prioritize Tasks: Focus on the most important tasks first and let go of what’s less important. Make a to-do list and highlight the top three tasks for the day.
2) Delegate: Share responsibilities with your partner, kids, or other family members. If your kids are old enough, involve them in household chores.
3) Simplify: Find ways to simplify your daily routine to reduce stress. For example, meal prep on weekends to save time during the week.

Source: Click here

Establish Boundaries

It’s essential to create boundaries between different aspects of your life, especially if you’re juggling multiple roles. Set specific times for certain activities, and when your time is up, switch focus. If you can, create a dedicated space for work or chores to help mentally separate different tasks. And don’t feel guilty about saying no to extra responsibilities that could push you towards burnout.

Creating Effective Boundaries:
1) Work Hours: Set specific hours for work and stick to them. When work time is over, put away your work and focus on family.
2) Family Time: Dedicate time each day to spend with your family without distractions. Have a gadget-free dinner where everyone talks about their day.
3) Personal Space: Create a space just for you where you can relax and recharge. This could be a cozy corner with a comfortable chair and your favorite books.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment and can be a powerful tool in combating burnout. Simple practices like taking a few moments to focus on your surroundings or just slowing down and enjoying a cup of tea can help reduce stress. There are plenty of simple mindfulness exercises that fit into your busy schedule.

Mindfulness Techniques:
1) Deep Breathing: Take deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four.
2) Gratitude Journaling: Write down things you’re grateful for each day to shift your focus to the positive. It can be as simple as being grateful for a sunny day or a good cup of coffee.
3) Taking Moments for Yourself: Pause for a moment and enjoy your surroundings. Whether it's a beautiful sunset or a quiet morning coffee, take it in fully.

Take Breaks

Never underestimate the power of a good break. Throughout your day, take short breaks to step away from your responsibilities. Even a five-minute breather can help clear your mind and give you the energy to keep going. On weekends, try to have some downtime where you’re not thinking about work or chores—just relax and recharge.

Incorporating Breaks into Your Day:
1) Mini Breaks: Take five-minute breaks every hour to stretch and relax. Stand up, walk around, or do some light stretching.
2) Lunch Breaks: Use your lunch break to step away from work and enjoy your meal. Eat without distractions and savor your food.
3) Weekend Downtime: Schedule some downtime on weekends to relax and recharge. Watch a movie, take a leisurely walk, or spend time with loved ones.

Get Professional Help if Needed

If you find that you’re struggling to cope with burnout on your own, it’s important to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide you with strategies to manage stress and support your mental health. There’s no shame in reaching out for help—it’s a step towards taking care of yourself.

Finding Professional Support:
1) Therapists: Look for a licensed therapist who specializes in stress and burnout. They can help you develop coping strategies.
2) Counselors: Seek counseling services for support and guidance. Many offer sliding scale fees based on income.
3) Online Therapy: Consider online therapy options for convenience and flexibility. Services like BetterHelp and Talkspace offer virtual sessions.

Dealing with mom burnout is something many mothers face at some point. The key is to recognize the signs early and take action to prevent it from taking over your life. By prioritizing self-care, seeking support, setting realistic expectations, and establishing boundaries, you can recover from burnout and regain your sense of joy and fulfillment. Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, and taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for your family. You deserve it!

Thanks for reading everyone. Till then, see you when I see you.



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