Fibre is one of the most important ingredient that I will look upon during choosing my family's dietary items... MILO Activ-Go Plus Fibre is indeed the best choice because even with 50% lesser added sugar, we could still enjoy its tastiness that is packed with full of nutrients especially with the 2.5x fibre that we need in order to go through our day to day routine... my children love the just-nice chocolatey taste while I love the ease that it gave while preparing it for my family... just to share some point to ponder, my husband tried the MILO Activ-Go Plus Fibre malt drink and immediately asked me to get a pack or two for our family's breakfast drink... just imagine, with just 3 simple steps, we could nourish our family with a healthy beverage... take the sachet, pour in the MILO Activ-Go Plus Fibre, stir well with hot water and walla, we are serving a rich in nutrient drink for a healthier lifestyle to our beloved family... come and join us everyone, lets live healthily...
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minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat