Although the pictures was quite... earmmm... bukan quite but totally blur... accept aje la ek... camera phone Pak Lang Kaisah nih ntahapeapentah... Nokia aper ntah... 2MB... tapi hasilnya cam hampes... but whatever it is anggap sajela yang gambar-gambar ni clear... (nak sedapkan hati sebenornye nih...)... ayah Kaisah wasn't at the the same location... so, I can't tibai phone ayah Kaisah... (ibu Kaisah kan pakai phone Samsung lame... tadak camera... kesian... huhuhuhuhuhu)
Okeh... this is the information on that day's occasion:
Date: 18 January 2009
Birthday kids: Along Kashah, Boboy, Wawa ngan Ummi (4 serentak... save budget... hihihihihihi)
Venue: Umah Kak Uda kat Gombak
Time: After Asar
Guests: Kami dan keluarga kami... hahahahaha... (tu pun dah penuh...) ade la beberapa kerat kengkawan sekolah Wawa n bebudak kat area umah diorang
Oh ye, made a fruit cake with toppings of:
- strawberry
- peach
- kiwi
=> sedap bangat... perasan... ;) (i'll upload the picture later ya... tungguuuuu...)
These pictures were snapped before the celebration starts... syok berposing kat atas sofa baru Kak Uda... lanyak jangan tak lanyak... hahahahahaha... sori Kak Uda... can't help it... syok gila... empuk, baru lah katakan...