| ALL STRUGGLES ARE GONNA PAID OFF, BELIEVE ME! | Assalamualaikum and hi hi hi everything.

Through every storm and every test,
When life feels like an endless quest,
We must remember to do our best,
And believe that struggles will pay off, no less.

Sometimes it seems like the road is long,
And we wonder if we'll ever belong,
But with faith, we can stay strong,
And know that our efforts will never be wrong.

For every mountain that we climb,
And every challenge that we find,
We'll gain strength and peace of mind,
And leave our doubts and fears behind.

So hold your head up high and proud,
And let your faith be your guide,
For every struggle will be paid off,
Either in this world or the next, it will abide.

And when you reach the end of your journey,
And look back on all that you've been through,
You'll know that every struggle was worth it,
For it has led you to a life that is new.

So trust in the journey that you're on,
And know that the struggles will pay off,
Either in this world or the next,
It's a promise that you can't scoff.

Team possible, aja aja fighting.

Muah ciked.

Hartini The Ghostwriter
360 creativity at your utmost priority

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Tini Alif

20 years of experience within the technical, manufacturing and services environment. Assists brands and companies to achieve their targeted and potential customer through writing service such as article writing, copywriting, ghostwriting, manuscript writing, technical writing, content marketing and translation amongst others. Interested to collaborate? Email: or WhatsApp at +601154054677

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